With every faltering little step, a baby becomes a toddler. As they gain independence, their behaviour changes dramatically. They are super-duper interested in their surroundings, start using simple words now and then, and most importantly, understand the word No and throw tantrums when forced to do something against their will. All of a sudden, you notice that, they have opinions and want to be heard!
In this article, we will cover a few things you need to know about toddler behaviour.
The book Tackle Your Toddler’s Behaviour: Teach Yourself by Kelly Beswick lists some important things you need to know about your toddlers behaviour. We have shortlisted a few of them for you to read and remember.
Overall, toddlerhood is a very exciting period for both the child and the parent. There may be tantrums and other behavioural challenges but do not forget the good parts. Be a part of your toddlers journey of learning new things every single day. Take mental notes of your toddlers musings and observations to pass it down the generations!
What are some funny, interesting, or insightful musings from your toddler? Drop a note at storyweavers@byjus.com or leave a comment below.
?Me-kha-la!? BYJU'S That happens at least once when she introduces herself to new people. She?s the only ?Mekhala? she knows, and she takes a bit of pride in that. She is a quintessential introvert. Mekhala loves tea but cannot make a good cup of tea and often ends up having coffee. She claims that she takes all adjectives as compliments unless specified otherwise. Mekhala is an organizational psychologist and psychometrician. She was a class teacher of 36 adorable girls for two years, grade 2 & 3, as a part of Teach For India Fellowship. And has worked as an independent consultant for a couple of years.