With the upsurge in Coronavirus cases, many people are opting for homecare for their loved ones who have been infected with the virus. With proper care, support and vigilance, one can easily combat COVID-19 at home.
As per reports, most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home. However, people with severe illness, including old people and those of any age with serious underlying medical conditions, should call a health care provider as soon as the symptoms start.

If youre caring for somebody with COVID-19 at home, follow these steps to protect yourself and others from the virus:
Provide Support
- Quarantine the person with COVID-19 to stop the spread of virus
- Provide a separate bedroom and washroom to them
- Ensure that the person rests well, drinks plenty of fluids and eats nutritious food
- Help the person follow their doctors instructions for medicines and care
- Monitor the persons temperature, oxygen levels and blood pressure frequently
- Contact the hospital immediately if the patients oxygen levels are below 90
Limit Contact
- Try to stay at least 6 feet away from the person with COVID-19
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds if youve been in contact with the person or their surroundings
- Avoid touching the person and their belongings
- Caregivers and others at home should self-monitor their health with daily temperature checks
- Disinfect surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks and toilets regularly
- Wash the patients clothing, bedding and towels with detergent in hot water
- Wear a mask and gloves when in the same room as the COVID-19 patient. Discard it post-use
- Use gloves while handling the patients belongings
Stay Separated
- Use separate dishes, utensils, towels and bedsheets for the concerned person
- If youre a caregiver, isolate yourself and avoid meeting people
- Avoid having guests or visitors at home
- Keep a track of your health for 14 days after the start of the patients symptoms
End your isolation on time
- As per the government guidelines, you can be around people after:
-10 days since the symptoms first appeared
-24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications
-Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving
- Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation?
- Be in regular touch with your doctor when to end home isolation
Be Alert | Be Supportive | Be Kind
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Rohit Dubey
August 21, 2020
It is a great experience working at BYJU’S. I am able to work from home in a complete isolated environment, without risking any of my family members.
Rehan uddin ahmed
August 21, 2020
It is a great experience working at BYJUS. I am able to work from home in a complete isolated environment, without risking any of my family members.
August 22, 2020
Thanks Byjus.