Its 2021! A brand new year brings a brand new story. This month, lets flash the spotlight on a vehicle whose popularity recently spiked despite being around for more than 600 years! This two wheeled, human-powered vehicle has gone through numerous transformations at the hands of several inventors. It has survived many difficult times to be with us today. Yes! We are talking about the evolution of the most fun means of transport – The Bicycle.
Training wheels or no training wheels, we have been riding bicycles for multiple reasons. Today we rely on a bicycle for exercise, commuting and touring beautiful places. During the 2020 lockdown, the entire world saw a sudden spike in the number of bicycle riders on the streets – from kids to teens to adults – all wearing safety gear and enjoying a ride. But did you know that todays bicycle took many dramatic transformations in the past? Some early models had two wheels, but no way to steer, requiring a rider to run fast before hopping on their bicycle. Not just that, the innovators varied too, with no clear mention of who spearheaded the concept first.
Lets look at some major milestones in the bicycles journey to evolution.
It has been said that Leonardo da Vinci was the first person who ever visualised the concept of a bicycle in the year 1493. His version of the bicycle, although similar to later versions, sadly remained only as a painting. Leonardo da Vinci could never construct it.
Leonardo da Vinci’s version of the bicycle.
His painting was restored in the Codex Atlanticus – a twelve-volume set of da Vincis drawings and writings restored in the 1970s. Several historians, including Hans-Erhard Lessing, a physics professor, refused to accept da Vincis version of the bicycle. Instead, they claim that bicycles originated in Germany in the 1800s and the first version was called the running machine.
Lets visit Germany and find out more!
The Draisine created in 1817 by the German inventor Karl Drais | Photo Credit: Google
It began with a large volcanic eruption in Mt. Tambora (present-day Indonesia). It caused havoc, destroying crops and livelihood worldwide. This also raised the question of how to transport people residing in hilly areas without horses? It was then that a German inventor named Karl Drais decided to build a propulsion device that could replace horse riding. Two years later, in 1817, he presented the Draisine or the running machine. His version of this bicycle bore the hallmarks of a modern bicycle. However, it did not have pedals, chains or brakes. It was entirely made of wood, with two wheels of the same size and a steerable wheel in the centre. People had to push it with their feet on the ground to move forward. From there, the bicycle gained several hilarious names like dandy horse, hobby horse, whirligig and velocipede.
Pierre Lallemant riding his own invention in Paris in 1870
Draiss draisine could only enjoy a brief stint in the spotlight before falling out of fashion. Soon in the 1860s, French inventors Pierre Lallement, Pierre Michaux and Ernest Michaux modified Drais velocipede by introducing pedals on the front wheel. They had wooden wheels with an iron-wrought frame, which made it very bulky. Due to its construction, this bicycle did not offer stability to its riders. The pedals meant that you have to take your feet off the ground and hence balance became an issue. A much larger front wheel (up to 1.5 meters in diameter) let the bike go much faster, but riders were prone to dangerous falls. They came to be known as boneshakers due to the bumpy ride that they offered!
Two men ride penny-farthings in Santa Ana, California, 1886
In hopes of adding stability and making a less bumpy ride for bicycle riders, French inventor Eugène Meyer modified the 1860s boneshakers by adding pedals on the wheel and making the front wheel much larger than the back wheel to balance the bicycle. The structure of the bicycle looks a little scary, but these cycles were manufactured in a way that it becomes easier for people to ride them, even though it might be a little difficult to hop on it. Penny farthing was the first machine to be called the bicycle, and it was better known as the high wheeler. Soon it became highly popular in England and France. However, Meyer alone did not enjoy the spotlight. Its popularity is also attributed to the English inventor and businessman, James Starley, who created a model named Ariel. This led to the rise of bicycle clubs and competitive races.
An ad from 1885 selling John Kemp Starley Rover Safety Bicycles.
The end of the era of penny farthing bicycles arrived sooner than anticipated. In 1885, James Starleys nephew, John Kemp Starley heavily borrowed ideas from his uncle and invented the Rover Safety Bicycle. He additionally installed brakes to prevent people from abruptly falling from their cycle. His invention came to be known as the contemporary bicycle or safety bike. It had two wheels of the same size, and the rear wheel was powered by a chain.
John B. Dunlop’s Son on the First Bicycle to have Pneumatic tyres
In 1888, a further modified version of the bicycle came into existence when John Boyd Dunlop from Scotland created the pneumatic tire for his sons bicycle. A vet by profession, one day Dunlops son complained of how cobbled streets on his way to his school made his bottom sore. Dunlop solved his sons problem by inventing the inner tube and patented the pneumatic tyre which was essentially a hosepipe inside an outer rubber tyre with treads.
Poster of the song Daisy Bell, composed by Harry Dacre
In 1892, Harry Dacre, a British songwriter, became famous overnight when he composed the song Daisy Bell. The song depicted a charming couple happily singing and riding a tandem bicycle. The tandem – a two-wheeled bicycle built for two was first created by Mikael Pedersen, a Danish inventor. The bicycle weighed about 10 kg and was named as the Pedersen bicycle. With tandem soon becoming a popular choice among bicycle riders, Pederson went on and built a bicycle that accommodated four riders. That bicycle weighed close to 30 kgs.
The craze for Tandem bicycles began to wane soon after World War II. With time, the bicycle piqued the interest of challenge-seekers. Could a bicycle race against a horse cart? Soon races ensued between humans and animals, and ultimately against nature as cyclists pursued cross-continental tours as long as 3,500 kms. Bicycle racing became an important event in the first modern Olympic games in 1896.
While the popularity of cars and bikes suppressed the usage of bicycles, many inventors went on to invent mountain bikes, electric bikes, race bikes and even immovable bicycles at the gym. Over several decades, while the basic frame remained intact, the style and designs of these bicycles morphed a lot. Lighter materials like titanium and carbon fibre replaced the wooden models, making the current bicycles far lighter and stronger than Karl Drais and his contemporaries could ever have imagined!
Today, we have bicycles that are powered by electricity and solar energy, with gears to control speed and balance. These specialisations give us the liberty to select bicycles based on where and how we plan to ride. And with the growing bicycle culture taking a hold on us, soon we may get to see a new bicycle revolution, where we will cautiously opt for a bicycle over a car and contribute in reducing our carbon footprints.
Modern day mountain bicycle
Well, that was the evolution of bicycles. Who knows, in the future we will have more advanced forms that will allow us to cross water bodies!
With this we conclude the #EvolutionofEverything series. But the wheel of unlearning and relearning must keep spinning! So stay tuned for more fun stories to read only on The Learning Tree Blog.
Books are Tanaya Goswami’s first love and cheesecakes come a close second. Talking about movies, music, calligraphy, politics, and Elon Musk will get you listed under the friends’ section of her diary. Ever since moving on from her job as an English lecturer, she spends her time at BYJU’S crafting stories filled with emotion and sprinkled with sarcasm. Outside of work, she’s either learning something new (French, most recently!) or is curled up with a book and a cup of coffee. She firmly believes that discovering what you don’t know is the key to knowledge and is constantly working towards improving herself. Drop in a line at if you liked her stories, have something nice to say, or if you have compelling ideas to share!
Parvathi Ajayakumar
January 9, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday but I didn’t know about ? cycles.. ??So I Thank Byjus for this Information??
January 9, 2021
Evolution of Everything Series concluded?
Oh I loved it so much?
Nehal Pohane
January 10, 2021
I am so happy to see”The evolution of everything” once again!
Swathi naik A
January 11, 2021
I like cycle rideing .??but I don’t no about this information.?i will thank the byjus team by heartley because giveing this knowledge.?
Pallavi sahoo
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and ride every day i thankyou for byjus to give this amazing information about bicycle
January 11, 2021
This was help full about history of cycle and admiring
Rajat Yadav
January 11, 2021
Nice information about the topic
January 11, 2021
I love to ride the bicycle but I don’t no the history of it I just no modern days bicycle thank you very very much byjus for tell me all this thank you
Vishnu Ghothri-A
January 11, 2021
I love cycling
Thanks for Byjus for this information
January 11, 2021
I love cycle riding
Basudev Pradhan
January 11, 2021
I love. Cycle and I love to cycle also
My cycle is best and I go all throw my area in my cycle only
#i love my bicycle
# I love Byju’s
January 11, 2021
What! Cycle !!! I am a cycle addict .
Chandan Patil
January 11, 2021
thanks for giving this knowledge to byjus
Vishnu Ghothri-A
January 11, 2021
I love cycling
Thank you for Byjus for this informations
January 11, 2021
Thanks for the
Ingo byjus team
Kashish Fatima
January 11, 2021
It’s so interesting topic,I lovely Riding bycycle I didn’t know about bycycle thnks. BYJU’s for telling this information. ??
January 11, 2021
Actually I like bicycles and bikes a lot but just knew about few of these bicycles like the high wheeler and the Draisine but I am happy about knowing all of them
Special thanks to BYJU’S
Bhumika B
January 11, 2021
Thanks BYJU’S for this interesting and amazing information.
It’s lovely
January 11, 2021
Thank you for giving me the information of history of bicycle
January 11, 2021
I love cycling. I brought many cycles in my childhood. Thanks for Byjus for giving me this information. ???
Sreekar gara
January 11, 2021
Nice information superb it’s very knowledgeble information
Shreshth Joshi
January 11, 2021
I loved how BYJUS always explain every single thing with perfect clarity… their videos too are outstanding
Sukkhnand Singh
January 11, 2021
That was a wonderful experience of my .l also have cycle but i don’t know the evolution of that.
January 11, 2021
I don’t like cycling but I am the answer of this question so I think 5 cycle made by da vinci
T.Bhargav sai
January 11, 2021
Modren day cycles are best .becase it prodet us to balance well.
Sayam Maity
January 11, 2021
Amazing story. Wasn’t it hard when making the first bicycle? Really wonderful imagination.
The blog of this month has left us all students into the wonder of physics and imagination.
Really superb
Rudar kashyap
January 11, 2021
Very usefull information
January 11, 2021
I love cycling I will ride every day when I ride my cycle I will enjoy
Shreyashi Mishra
January 11, 2021
I like to ride cycle but i know only about penumatic tyre, Thanku byjus for giving me lots of information related from cycle, thanku ??.
January 11, 2021
it very fun riding a cycle and getting knowledge of something I like to do is even more enjoyable.(?’?’?)
January 11, 2021
So helpful to learn something ?????
Abdur Rahman
January 11, 2021
I love bicycle ? it is very fun
January 11, 2021
Best education app for learning CONCEPTS
Nikita Maity
January 11, 2021
Nice thinks are there
Well done team
Ks. Jagannaath
January 11, 2021
Change is the only constant.
In future we may see a different type of bicycle.
Nandana Shibu
January 11, 2021
I thank the byjus team for this great information about cycle.
Sujal mishra
January 11, 2021
I like bicycle ride.
But I don’t know about its past .
That is very interesting fact about couples bicycle.
I like it most.
Nandana Shibu
January 11, 2021
I thank the byjus team for giving us this great information about cycle.
January 11, 2021
In this world ? evolution definitely happens
So, let’s enjoy the evolutions …
Thank you BYJU’S team for giving each & every information to me ??…..
January 11, 2021
I love to ride a cycle and happy after knowing about history of cycles
Thank you Byjus ?
January 11, 2021
I love to ride the cycle every day and i go on the ride for 2 to 3 hrs and i go for 5 km every day i love to ride on my bicycle ?????????????????????? and i thank the Byjus for this information??
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday but I didnt know about ? cycles.. ??So I Thank Byjus for this Information??
Atharv Lodhi
January 11, 2021
I love cycles but I don’t have these information about cycles.Thank you Byju’s.
Akshay Dubey
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and thanks byjus for information
January 11, 2021
Good knowledge for me ??
Thank you
Very much
Divyanshi Gupta
January 11, 2021
Wow……?? I love cycling .
And I ride cycle every day . ??
? So , thankyou very much
I don’t now evolution of cycle ?
January 11, 2021
So this is the story behind the bycycle thanks byjus.
January 11, 2021
??I love to cycling ??
??The byjus is a very good learning app??
?? they tell many information??
??Byjus is the best to best learning app??
January 11, 2021
Saurya srivastava
January 11, 2021
as i love cycling and i was having knowledge but i was’nt knowing that much deep about bicycles today i got to know everything about bicylce through byjus so thanks a lot byjus for
Giverence to me about the hole history of cycles thankyou once again .??????????
January 11, 2021
In this world ? evolution definitely happens
So, lets enjoy the evolutions
Thank you BYJUS team for giving each & every information to me ?? ..
January 11, 2021
I love cycle
January 11, 2021
Knew this one! Thanks byjus for GK
January 11, 2021
Nice cycle
January 11, 2021
Thanks for this I didn’t knew that much
I use to ride bicycle everyday , It was very informative
Anushka Rajput
January 11, 2021
Thanks byju’s you are the best app for students and thanks for this information once again thank you
January 11, 2021
The evolution of bicycles are amazing!!!
The next bicycle evolution is on the way…?
Thank you byju’s team for an awesome blog!
Priyanshu Verma
January 11, 2021
I like bicycle // and I everyday ride bicycle but i didn’t know this information and I thanks all Byju’s team for this information ……
January 11, 2021
It is so interesting facts…. ? thankyou ??byjus for this knowledge information about the bicycle…….
January 11, 2021
Wow I did not know a lot about bicycles and I loved it
Shrashti tiwari
January 11, 2021
I love to how the things come and who invented it so thank you byjus for encouraging me
Shambhavi Jha
January 11, 2021
I love to learn from byjus ? they are the best at teaching and this is very nice that I got to learn about the history of the cycles
Thank u so much byjus ?
By Shambhavi Jha
Shaurya vardhan adhikari
January 11, 2021
i also love Bicycling i do it every evening when i play. Thank You Byjus for Sharing Information.
Teena George....
January 11, 2021
You people are really informative…
I like cycling it one of my favorites
But I had never and ever thought about the revolutionary arrival of… cycle ….. Thank you Byju’s for this great information…..
Chaitanya Satsangi
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
I love ride bicycle every day and I was interested to learn about bicycle …so Thank you byjus for you information ??
Tavishi Ashwin Bhandarkar
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday I didn’t know about ??so thanks Byjus team for giving each & every information to me ???
Anushka Rajput
January 11, 2021
Thanks byju’s you are the best app for students and thanks for this information once again thank you ?????????
Revathy Menon
January 11, 2021
I liked your concept. My dream is to ride a cycle. But I don’t know how to ride. But I know a little bit. Bring more concepts like these
Lilee banse
January 11, 2021
I love cycling.” Freedom is Riding a Bicycle “. Thank you byjus for this information ?.
Nitin singh
January 11, 2021
I love bicycle and ride it also. The information given by byju’s . So I thank the byjus for this information.
Tavishi Ashwin Bhandarkar
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle I didn’t know about ?? cycle so thanks Byjus team for giving each & every information to me ???
Dhanashree jankar
January 11, 2021
I like this information a lot
Thanks byjus ? for providing such unknown information
And that’s about ????cycle
Will be Happy to know more ..
January 11, 2021
I am so happy to see this bicycle program thank full .evolution of everything serious concluded .so I thanks to byjus for this information?????????????? . Thanks u so much byjus team keep supporting me .????
Srijith Srivathsa
January 11, 2021
Nice information thanking you byjus?
Soham Mulay
January 11, 2021
Formation was great. The design of cycles was were funny. On saying the last cycle I dream that I want gear cycle.
Vedshree Vijay Shelke
January 11, 2021
I really enjoyed reading it! It was a awesome and very nice blog. I thanks byjus team to give us a such helpful information. I love to ride bicycle. But I don’t know that who invented these bicycle, and how and when did come from? But after reading this I understand it better now. Once again thanks to byjus team!???
Yasmin Bano
January 11, 2021
Wow..! It’s very interesting, and I also love cycling…. BYJU’S is really a good platform for ever……!!
Deepti Choudhary
January 11, 2021
I literally didn’t know about evolution of cycles so it was really informative, interesting and funny to know about those bumpy , dangerous, boneshaker cycles ?? . Thank you Byjus
January 11, 2021
Thanks byju’s team for telling such a great evolution of bicycles
Deb darshi nath
January 11, 2021
I didn’t hope that I will learn about the history of the bicycle…At last I read about the history of bicycle by the site given by byjus…… Thank You very much byjus…
January 11, 2021
G bhanuprakash
January 11, 2021
I amazing
Ankita Paul
January 11, 2021
Thanks byju’s for giving us such information about history which help us to know the history of such usual things that we use daily….
Again Thank you Byju’s……..
Wajid raina
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and also i am a cycle rider ?. But i did not know the story if cycles?. I shall be thankful to byju’s for sharing this info. To all of us
January 11, 2021
So thanks to byjus team ,so amazing to read this bicycle part ,but I love ride cycle.but I don’t know this information thank you . so much giving this bicycle information.thank you so muchThank you byjus team ?????
G bhanuprakash
January 11, 2021
I amazing I love bicycle to rides because when I am riding the bicycle my inspiration goes to high level thank you byjus a lot ???????? also this concept is very good heart fully thank you byjus
Yasmin Bano
January 11, 2021
Wow…!! Its very interesting….. I also love cycling, Thank you BYJU’S to provide the interesting information…….!! BYJU’S is the best platform for ever….!!
Ambrish Towari
January 11, 2021
Nice information ????
Thanks for sharing it with us byju’s
People should know these kinds of information
January 11, 2021
Woow, very informative
G. Damini
January 11, 2021
It’s really nice that learning about bicycle and I love bicycle because everyday I go to playground by bicycle and knowing about cycle was so interesting ???????
January 11, 2021
Really it stuns everyone . Technology and science has no final forever . I had little information about bicycle but today acquired much much great information about it . Thank you Byjus team , My love towards Byjus is growing higher day by day .
Shreya Shree
January 11, 2021
Great content… Would like to know about bikes next.
Daniel raistor
January 11, 2021
I love to ride cycling with big wheels so I like to ride cycling
Rathod Avani
January 11, 2021
I love cycling nd ride every day . I m happy to see the EVOLUTIONS OF EVERY THING . Thank you BYJU’S.
Abdur Rahman
January 11, 2021
wow this is fun
Thanks byju’s teams
January 11, 2021
They are funny and dangerous
.Thank you to bijus
Maithreyi Devanathan
January 11, 2021
I love it so informative …..Thanks to byjus……. And i love cycling it is good for health……..,thank you again ….. BYE BYE…???????????
Utsa Barai
January 11, 2021
I ride cycle everyday and I love it
Thanks for the information ?
Sonika Dan
January 11, 2021
I am so excited to know such information about bicycle?thank byju’s for this information ?
January 11, 2021
I like the bicycle
Sarthak Sharma
January 11, 2021
I ride cycle every day for going school. I love it
Jiya Gadhavi
January 11, 2021
I ride cycle everyday ,and wondered about the history of cycles??.
Today because of byju’s I know about it ??.
Thank You TEAM BYJU’S ????.
Srushti .S.S
January 11, 2021
I love to rice bicycle to ride and I link bicycle to ride every day so I will thank full to Byjus for imformation about the bicyle and I did not this much about the bicycle. ??
Tanishi singh
January 11, 2021
I like it ?
January 11, 2021
I am having one cycle which I am not using nowdays but after getting about history of cycles and the hardwork that all others did for this I will promise to do cycling every day.
Thanks byjus
January 11, 2021
I ? byjus to give me a information
January 11, 2021
Nice I like the bicycle so much I will thank full to the byjus for this imformation???
M Fathima afreedha
January 11, 2021
I love cycling so thank you bijus
Bhavana Sri
January 11, 2021
I love cycling..but I don’t know about this evolution of bicycles. Thankyou byjus for providing such unknown information ???
lokesh kumar
January 11, 2021
This story is very much.
Shiven Rojasara
January 11, 2021
I Love Cycling And Ride Everyday I don’t have any knowledge about ? cycles. After reading I go some knowledge on cycle so Thankyou Byjus And their team for providing me and many students for this Information.
One again Thankyou So Much.??
Anmol acharya
January 11, 2021
I am riding many of bicycles but I have not thinking of history of bicycles
Ananya singh
January 11, 2021
I am really very happy
January 11, 2021
I love bicycle and every day I ride in bivyle
January 11, 2021
It’s perfect and also enjoyable.
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and rides everyday but i don’t know about this information so I thanks for byju’s
Aadarsh raj
January 11, 2021
I also want to ride cycle but can not afford to buy it ,………… Though when i will get my first salary will buy a cycle to ride ……………wish me good luck..
Supriya Sandhu
January 11, 2021
I love cycling
Tanmay Pathak
January 11, 2021
Oh! That is amazing I didn’t no about this that bicycles are that awesome. The evolution of bicycles are amazing. Thanks Byju’s for telling me aboutthis amazing evolution
Thanks ??
January 11, 2021
I like cycling and I know about Da Vinci
Tanmay Pathak
January 11, 2021
Oh! That is amazing I didn’t no about this that bicycles are that awesome. The evolution of bicycles are amazing. Thanks Byju’s for telling me aboutthis amazing evolution
Thanks ??
That is really awesome.
January 11, 2021
Very nice 🙂
Om Aryan
January 11, 2021
Thanks byjus for this information ?
Veer Hotkar
January 11, 2021
Byjus shared the information, which young generation shud knew about it.
Thanks Byjus.
Asmita Talukder
January 11, 2021
First of all I will thank the author and the BYJU’S Team for giving me this wonderful information. I like cycling very much and I also know cycling. From here I understood how the concept of cycle came and the evolution of it and the bicycle is developing more this days.
January 11, 2021
This topic was amazing
Jovel p. Joy
January 11, 2021
I love bicycle and bicycle riding but i don’t know this much information about this…. Thanks byjus for such amazing information. Well done!!!??
Gautam Kumar
January 11, 2021
Thanku Byjus for giving me ideas about evolution of bicycle?…..
Next bicycle is in the way?
January 11, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday…?I don’t have any knowledge about cycles…?But from BYJU’S..?
I know everything about cycles…
Thank u so much for such information…? THANKYOU BYJU’S…?
Mahalaxmi Shivaraj Khandre
January 11, 2021
I ride cycle everyday. I love cycling.? Thanks to the byju’s team for this information???
January 11, 2021
This is a wonderful information that you told us about cycling so I thank you for this and to my parents to give a little more help to me
January 11, 2021
Awesome evolution ?
Khushi Vishraj
January 11, 2021
I love bicycles
January 11, 2021
I does not have cycle for ride???
Anjika Sharma
January 11, 2021
It was very interesting and new thing to innovate anything as it was very inspiring and give us the strength to explore anything
Samarth kulkarni
January 11, 2021
Ya I love riding on cycle I have gear cycle and do little bit stunt also like wheelie and stoppie ?????
January 12, 2021
A detailed information of evolution of cycles . thank u byju s .
Yogeshwar k prabhu
January 12, 2021
Very nice blog and nice information I too ride my cycle every day and it’s a healthy ? exercise also.
Aswath Anil
January 12, 2021
It was awesome about bicycle
Aayush Duhoon
January 12, 2021
Ariyan Jana
January 12, 2021
Wow this is amazing to see the evolution of bicycle again . I love to ride bicycle . The first person who discovered the painting of bicycle is Leonardo da Vincis version of the bicycle,The Draisine also,Pierre Lallemant riding his own invention in Paris in 1870 and others also who discovered bicycle by period of time. Thanks to the persons who discovered bicycle.And thanks also to byjus team.
Anjali ray
January 12, 2021
I love to cycling
January 12, 2021
Thanks for this information
January 12, 2021
Thanks byju’s for giving us such information.I like bicycle I choose a best one to ride.
January 12, 2021
I love cycling but I didnt have a cycle ? cycles.. ??So I Thank Byjus for this Information??
Shubhajit Sarkar
January 12, 2021
Ma’am this story mind-boggling and awesome.
Thank-you very much ma’am
Shubhajit Sarkar (class 12 BYJU’S STUDENT)
January 12, 2021
I like this information of cycle. I have learned many thing thank you byjus team.
Christopher shreyas
January 12, 2021
Learning about bicycle was awesome…!!
Nisarg R Gaikwad
January 12, 2021
Thank you Byjus for sharing this information. I was not knowing evolution of bicycle. I really loved it.
Trupti dalvi
January 12, 2021
??I like cycling a lot?? Thanku byjus for this information ?? I know everything about cycle?? This story is awesome ?? Thanku again ??
January 12, 2021
Too good. I love cycling
January 12, 2021
I love to ride bicycle ? but I did not know that much about bicycle thanks byjus for evolution of bicycle ??
Manya Upadhyay
January 12, 2021
I don’t like to ride bicycles but still I like this information thanks to the BYJU’S TEAM for building my knowledge on things which I don’t like
January 12, 2021
I love cycling to ride,but I had doubt who the cycle is found, thanks Byjus for giving this information
Koppula Balchandra Milind Reddy
January 12, 2021
I like bicycles and I like riding them. I always wondered how bicycle was invented.
Thank you tanaya goswami for letting us know about this beautiful history of bicycles.
Thank u byjus for letting me know about the history of bicycles.
Payal Rani
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and riding. Everyday I ride for 1 or half an hours . I also don’t know about ? I am happy ?? about knowing it.
Vivan Verma
January 12, 2021
I didn’t thought bicycles are so interesting in history.
Thank you Byju’s for an amazing ride into history??
Siddhartha Rath
January 12, 2021
Astonished to know such a long history, behind my only means of transportation (bicycle)
January 12, 2021
Loved It !!!! ??
N Aadhivendhan Mawthoh
January 12, 2021
Nice explanation keep it up(?)
Manya Himanshu
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and really get such nice vibes while cycling it due to this civic 19 neither I am able to ride nor can see my cycle I Han BYJU’S the learning program to give us so many information about the bicycle hope you continue giving us suchn good and educational information.
Once again Thanks a lots
And this story needs a bigv thumbs up and byjus app surely deserves it
Disha Rastogi
January 12, 2021
The fact about bicycle are very very amazing.????
Anumegha Khanra
January 12, 2021
Thank you for teaching me such an important thing. It is awesome.
Vikas Srinivas
January 12, 2021
Hi , Byjus team this was a certainly a very good information about the history of the bicycle and I love riding bicycle so thanks and I except a lot of great information in the upcoming message
January 12, 2021
I also have a cycle and I love cycling.
I also ride on my cycle everyday.
But I don’t know the Information about it. Thank you so much BYJU’s for this Information.
Aryan Kumar Singh
January 12, 2021
The next bicycle is on the way ??
Thank you BYJU’S for Informing this historical evolution of bicycle in such a funny and interesting way
Once again thank you BYJU’S ??
January 12, 2021
Thank you for the information Byjus
January 12, 2021
Thanks for this information ??
January 12, 2021
Good. but byjus should and have to add English subject for all classes till 10 th class
January 12, 2021
Wawoo I didn’t know all these fun facts about bycycle…?? Too much interesting it was…
Shaik Ayesha
January 12, 2021
I love cycling but I don’t know about this information thanks for the information byjus
S.Alan Tino
January 12, 2021
Please give some more interesting facts like why match stick burn and then cars were made.
January 12, 2021
I do like cycling but never knew so much information was there for me to know about cycle. Today I know, so thank you team byjus
January 12, 2021
This information I don’t know but byjus team send gmail and we understood.
Thanx to all Byjus Team?
January 12, 2021
Vineet Singh
January 12, 2021
Thank you Byju’s for this amazing information about the evolution of cycle. The evolution not works only for living beings but also the things that are often used in our daily life.
Diya Devdhara
January 12, 2021
I love cycling so much??? and I advised you all to ride a bicycle because it’s very healthy and exciting work?? and I have seen this type of cycles first time in my whole life ?? and I loved seeing this cycles ??
January 12, 2021
I like that component
Mairah Shahid
January 12, 2021
I love cycling! Great to know its history. Thank you for sharing! Reading this was super fun…
Fatima Yusuf
January 12, 2021
I am a byju’s student. I love these earlier things. Thanks to byju’s to give me more interest in earlier lives.
Sahil sah
January 12, 2021
Thank for knowing me about the cycles
January 12, 2021
Woohhh………I love riding cycles as well as mordern geared cycles…………………but nice information about cycles.
January 12, 2021
Thank you so much byjus for telling about bicycle.
Naitik Maurya
January 12, 2021
I Love the ride bicycle
Bikramdeep Kaur
January 12, 2021
Vishal giri
January 12, 2021
I love bicycle but long distance was not cover by bicycle because using some vehicles others so having use small distance
Satkeerat singh
January 12, 2021
Very good story
January 12, 2021
Thanks byju’s ?for this information
January 12, 2021
Bicycle is the important source of the children but the evolution contain the other vehicles in your country many peoples are containing by bicycle but there not uses bicycle in long distance so I am loving bicycle because I am a children
Mishra Kuldeep
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday but I didnt know about ? cycles.. ??So I Thank Byjus for this Information??
Aysha kumari
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and ridings cycle every day but I don’t know that this type of cycle also come?so l Thanks Byjus for this information ??
January 12, 2021
I love this unknown facts which came to me known by Byjus…..
January 12, 2021
I love to ride bicycle ???
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
I love cycling ???
Hanna saloma joy
January 12, 2021
I am very happy to know about the evaluation of bicycle ? Thank you
Byjus for this information
January 12, 2021
I love cycling. I was wondering about the history of bicycles and I got it! Because of the team BYJU’s
Thanks a lot for sending me this information ?
January 12, 2021
I knowed the history of bicycles today?with help of byjus thankyou byjus ?
January 12, 2021
I love to cycle
Sayantika Debnath
January 12, 2021
I really like cycle but I don’t see this types but it is looking really nice . Thank you for sharing this concept with me and others thank you again.
Priya Sharma
January 12, 2021
I like cycling and reading
January 12, 2021
This story was nice
Kishor kumar
January 12, 2021
I like electric vehicles like electric bike and cycles and jeeps .thanks Byjus to help me know about the history of my favourite vehicle TheBicycl!!
January 12, 2021
It’s an amazing to learn a cycle history.?
Shreya Shibu
January 12, 2021
I love cycling. I ride bicycle everyday. From this segment i got a lot of information about cycle.
January 12, 2021
Thanks a lot for this information. It really enhanced my knowledge of bicycles.
Aishani Pande
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
I love cycling but only know about one of the oldest bicycle the tendem bicycle. Thank you BYJU’S for giving me more type of bicycle very much thank you.???
parampreet singh
January 12, 2021
a good source of information on bicycles
thanks byjus
Snehal kale
January 12, 2021
Cycling is best but i don’t know about cycle so it’s really nice to read and byjus give information about cycles that really nice I enjoyed to read this so thank you byjus for this information ??
January 12, 2021
I love cycling but only know about one of the oldest bicycle the tendem bicycle. Thank you BYJU’S for giving me more type of bicycle very much thank you.????
Prachi Tomar
January 12, 2021
Thanks ??? byju’s for giving Information about the adventure of bicycle with also Sir Frenchman .for give It benefit for travelling go to one place to another place and also Make easy travel.
Thanks a lot
Navya periwal
January 12, 2021
I am satisfied from byjus
Ananya Upadhyay
January 12, 2021
The evolution of bicycle are amazing!!
I love it….???
Ananya Upadhyay
January 12, 2021
The evolution of bicycle is amazing!!!!!
I love it…..????
Arya tripathi
January 12, 2021
Thank you BYJU’S to give new information
The bycycle is good from car and bikes to prevent the
Air pollution
Preet Maheshwari
January 12, 2021
Nice ??….. I love BYJU’S
Swetha Anil
January 12, 2021
I love Cycle.?
And I ride the cycle every day.
Thank you for the information Byjus.??
Prem shah
January 12, 2021
Every day i ride with cycle but i didn’t know about it in detail. So i thank byjus to give me so many knowledge about cycle.?
Rakhi Ranjan
January 12, 2021
It’s so amazing, I was not knowing about this
Thank you so much ??? for this
January 12, 2021
Thank you byjus?? I ride bicycle everyday and this information means a lot for me?
Tejaswini Gutte
January 12, 2021
I like cycling….but I didn’t know about cycles….. this information is very important and useful to my life …so thankful for byjus and this information….
Charan pR
January 12, 2021
Even I love cycling and it,s a exercise for our foot
January 12, 2021
yay cool
Tanmay Sehgal
January 12, 2021
nice knowledge about bicycle
Rathod Avani
January 12, 2021
I like cycling nd I ride every day. I didn’t know about this information, Thank u BYJU’S team for each nd every information give us ??
MD nazish ejaz
January 12, 2021
Thankyu byjus for givimg me tremendous information
Sai Manoj
January 12, 2021
I love cycling but I don’t know this many varities of cycles are there.
? so I thank byjus for this information ??
January 12, 2021
I like evolution of animals and things
I love cycling
Abhinav S
January 12, 2021
You are good at expressing facts and evolutions.
Can you do a theory on evolution of Cars as well?
Pallavi Mishra
January 12, 2021
I like cycling ?? . But I don’t know about how it was discovered.thanks byju’s team?????
January 12, 2021
I love cycle riding
And nice evolution of cycle
Chinmai Chaudhari
January 12, 2021
Amazing! I was full of wonder after reading the history of bicycle. I always like to read books full of knowledge and interesting stories. Thank you so much Byjus.
Rida Hifza
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle every day but I didnt know about
and sad about the series ending that was too interesting one
Aditi Singh thakur
January 12, 2021
I just want to thank BYJUS for giving me this much information about a cycle ??????????????????????????
Saptanshu Ghosh
January 12, 2021
So historical
Dasari Tanmayee
January 12, 2021
This is change. Great change right ! I got to know more about the models of olden cycle. Hopefully got the better model of bicycle. By the way thank you byjus I would choose the for my upcoming school project. This is so interesting and fascinating . ??THANK YOU BYJUS ??FOR THE DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT BICYCLE OF THEN AND NOW
Arsalan Arshad Siddiqui
January 12, 2021
I also like to ride a bicycle. My favorite bicycle is Firefox. But knowing about bicycles is more interesting than riding it. Thanks Byjus for conveying the information of history of bicycles, really loved it.????
Afroz Ali Shah
January 12, 2021
I like cycle reading but. I don’t about this information I will thanks alaud byjus team Thanks for given this information ?????
Jim leonard
January 12, 2021
I like cyclnig, and ride cycle every day school time 15 kilometer’s riding,,
Nishant Raj
January 12, 2021
Lot of thanks for travelling the history of bicycles.Hope it will be continued by Bujha.
Akshay pawar
January 12, 2021
Thanks to the byjus for given information
Abhisar Singh
January 12, 2021
Wow! I ride cycle everyday day but I didn’t know this much about cycles. Thanks Byju’s.
Mitali samant
January 12, 2021
I love cycling and ride but I dont know who is the invention of it
Pushpita Sharma
January 12, 2021
I like this information.
I love cycles.
Thanks byjus for providing this information
January 12, 2021
The cycles are super cool the ancient cycles were so awesome even if I would also have one from there Well I have a dream to be adventorous girl thanks to all BYJUS who helped us learning
When There Is A Doubt Call Our Teachers But Having A Fun Call BYJUS Teamers
January 12, 2021
I love cycling I liked these cycle of every century and of every type
Sri gayathri
January 12, 2021
Iam very proud be an Byjus student . I learned new thing about cycles . I will ride cycle everyday , but I don’t know this good information about cycle . So Thank you Byjus . I learned new things everyday . Thank you . ????
January 12, 2021
My brother was interesting cycling this information is amazing to my family thanks to byjus?
January 12, 2021
I like this information, thank u Byjus..?
January 12, 2021
I luv very much to ride cycle.But I don’t know these much things inside the,thank u Byjus for the wonderful information
January 12, 2021
ND Rupesha
January 12, 2021
I did not think it would be funny if we ride a big tier cycle but it gave me many information about cycle
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Very good
January 12, 2021
Nice note
January 12, 2021
I like it very nice?????
Bashamoni Dharani
January 12, 2021
I love cycling. Thank you byjus from bottom of my heart.??????????
January 12, 2021
I like to ride a bicycle and I thanks Byju’s team for this information of evolution of bicycle
January 12, 2021
I love cycle rideing ? and i am so happy to see the evolution of bicycles. So i thank byjus team to giving every information ??
Divyanshi Gupta
January 12, 2021
I love cycling…………..but byjus Should add social studies subject………..from class 4 to 10………….but it can’t…….?
Team Storyweavers
January 18, 2021
Hi Divyanshi.
We have recently added Social Science for grades 6th onwards. Do check out our website for details.
Prakjoy Kabiraj
January 12, 2021
Thank you for the information of bicycles and there evolution.Thanks
Jennifer Joy
January 12, 2021
That was interesting. Thanks for the information!
V.V.Vidhulya shri
January 12, 2021
It is amazing
January 12, 2021
I’m so interestied in cycling and ride on weekends but I didn’t know about cycle ??so thanx byjus for this information
January 12, 2021
I love riding cycle its my hobby thank u byjus team for this information
January 12, 2021
I’m so interestied in cycling and ride on weekends but I didn’t know about cycle ??so thanx byjus for this information
January 12, 2021
I am so happy for the this app it is so good ??
Mayank Pandey
January 12, 2021
Amazing facts. Literally It was very knowledgeable and exciting fact to know about evolution on cycle. I love cycling so It was helpful for me…..
Aditya Giri
January 13, 2021
I love bicycling and ride. So I thank byjus for this information…… thank you….
January 13, 2021
Actually I ride cycle everyday but I don’t know deeply about cycle. Who is father of cycle and developer morden cycle . I well know by Byju’s team thank you.
Oviya r m
January 13, 2021
It was awesome and it helped me in reading and learning new things and how bicycle evolved
January 13, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday but I didnt know about ? cycles.. ??So I Thank Byjus for this Information?
I am so happy to seeThe evolution of everything once again!
Yash Tamboli
January 13, 2021
I like your concept. My dream is to buy modern bicycle but my dad not buying ???
Yash Tamboli
January 13, 2021
My dream is to buy modern bicycle but my dad not buying ???
January 13, 2021
I like so much like the bicycle ?
I will enjoy the bicycle ride ?
Aditi chandra
January 13, 2021
Thank you byjus to giving us such information about past????…….I really love knowing about history….?????
K. Mohamed Nayeem
January 13, 2021
What a evolution our itself evolutinh
Atharva Pranavkumar Laddha
January 13, 2021
I always like the fun facts that Byjus send!! I love cycle riding but never knew this much about it ?!! So thank you Byjus!!
Khush want
January 13, 2021
This is very good information for us. Thank you byjus????
January 13, 2021
I love riding a bicycle thank you byju’s for telling us about that bicycle and its history. But I still don’t believe it started from a drawing!
Saninwita Mohapatra
January 13, 2021
Oh my god!!! Cycles are just a common thing in today’s world !
Who knew it was a mystery for the history !!
Thank you byju’s for the incredible info ,???
Manas diwate
January 13, 2021
it was nice information that how cycles were invented
January 13, 2021
I love cycling I already have a Cycle. But I didn’t know about it ?Thank you Byjus
January 13, 2021
The discovery of the bicycle is beautiful.Thankyou for the information.?
January 13, 2021
Thank you, BYJUS
I read it and … I’m like?????
January 13, 2021
So interesting
January 13, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle every day morning but I didn’t know about cycles.
Gowri Shankar
January 13, 2021
The evolution of cycle
It’s very interesting !!
January 13, 2021
I love riding cycles . The information and fun facts are amazing . Thank you byjus for sharing the information with me .
Arnab Mahanti
January 13, 2021
An amazing knowledge about bicycle ?. This is very good experience for me specially.
Thank you byjus team for their amazing blog
January 13, 2021
As always, thanks ?
Aparna Shukla
January 13, 2021
I love to ride my cycle ??..But ,I was not knowing about this information..
I thank to byjus for this great information…
I am thinking for my future cycle how it will be ?
Thanks again teacher’s…
January 13, 2021
wow… very interesting. such a nice story behind a bicycle.
Satyajit Nayak
January 13, 2021
Nice Evolution will grow the world needs
Thanks Byju’s for nice blogs
January 13, 2021
I love cycling… Thanku for you information….
Abhimanyu Mali
January 13, 2021
I love riding bicycle.?? The discovery of bicycle is very great ??
Subha Raveendran
January 13, 2021
Didn’t know that bicycles had a loooooong history. I thought ‘penny farthings’ were the first bicycles to be ever made. Thank you for the informative and educational article, Byju’s…… ?????
Keshav Yadav
January 13, 2021
Very nice explanation of bicycles and giving us information about our previous invention on bicycles.
Manshvi Sharma
January 13, 2021
I love to ride bicycles but I don’t know it’s fact and features ?? Soo many many thanks byjus for giving me such information.
January 13, 2021
Thnks 4 d infrmation n detail of bycycle
January 13, 2021
Chirag Sameer Patankar
January 13, 2021
This was really helpful. My son got so much knowledge from it
Akshat Utkarsh
January 13, 2021
I love cycling I like this information
Joy syndavi
January 13, 2021
Super interesting I enjoyed it
January 13, 2021
Nice information
Thankyou:) byjus?
S.Dharshika sri
January 14, 2021
Super idea Bujus
S.Dharshika sri
January 14, 2021
Super story and super idea Bujus
January 14, 2021
I love riding cycle but I did not know the information and history of cycle ?Thank you buyjus for providing unknown information about cycle ?
Gausiya Parveen
January 14, 2021
I really love it’s information..
Thank you so much byjus and teachers and Tanaya Ma’am..???
January 14, 2021
I love riding bicycles, they are one of my favourite means to commute and travel as they are easy to ride, steer, could go to places where other vehicles can’t easily go!
January 14, 2021
Ooohhhhh!!! Wow!!! Evolution of the cycle!
It’s so amazing and I also love cycling but I ride cycle only a few times ?Because I always drive on Scotty or something I try Car also. ?
OK, so this is from my side
I am Sania yaduvanshi .
? bye bye
Arsalan Arshad Siddiqui
January 14, 2021
I also like to ride a bicycle. My favorite brand is Firefox. But knowing about bicycles is more interesting than riding it. Thanks Byjus for the conveying the information of history of bicycles, really loved it. ?????
Ruqayya Parveen
January 14, 2021
I love cycling’s and riding
Garvi Jain
January 14, 2021
Mind blowing…,fantabulous
Sameer Patil
January 14, 2021
Thank you so much byjus the learning app for this beautiful information of evolution of bicycle
Janvi bhende
January 14, 2021
I am so so happy…. So this is the history of cycle !!love this!! Now I will tell my friends and also do some cycling!! Yayayyayayayayay ??????happy makar Sankranti!!!??
January 14, 2021
I think this was amazing… I love to ride bicycle and my sister too?. I like your concept,?…………….
I am happy, proud and lucky that I have a connection with BYJU’S CLASSES. Thank you BYJU’S for giving this opportunity……?
Varakala manavi sai
January 14, 2021
I totally exited while learning the evolution of cycles and even more exited to learn new topics
mansi anil paulkar
January 14, 2021
l love cycling … bt i dont no about it thanks byjus for this information ??
Divyam Giri
January 14, 2021
I like bicycle riding and I am big fan of Leonardo Da Vinci . Company of my bicycle is jaguar.
January 14, 2021
Very nice
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Love this cycle .this cycle name is fat cycle. Gear cycle !oooooh.
Swayambhu G.
January 14, 2021
I am a cyclist, but i never tried to know that much.
thank you team. 🙂
Raj Salian
January 14, 2021
This evolution was nice. I would also like to see the evolution of pen.??
Pratyush Kumar
January 15, 2021
Wow it was great ? thank you byju’s for such a beautiful information
Yash Yadav
January 15, 2021
Thanks you a lot for information
Saleha jamal
January 15, 2021
Ahh they were the origin of them self
January 15, 2021
Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist,physician, science engineering,architecture
Narender sabar
January 15, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday ??
Thank Byjus for this information
Ayush Kumar Yadav
January 15, 2021
Ordinaire cycle was best cycle ?
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
I love cycling ?? and thank you Byju’s for the information
January 15, 2021
It was very good and I got lot of information of bicycles and thank you byju’s
Jasleen kaur
January 15, 2021
Amazing!! Got to learn a lot of things!! A big thank you to byjus team for this wonderful stuff……
Syed Naqui ahmad
January 15, 2021
I like cycle so much
Santana Gaikwad
January 15, 2021
Thank you so much byju’s for this wonderful information ???
Pranav Sai krishna Reddy T
January 16, 2021
I love cycling
January 16, 2021
Nice about cycle
Ananya Deepthi
January 16, 2021
Wonderful information. Tq
Chetna Kashyap
January 16, 2021
I love riding bicycles. This is very useful and interesting information, thankyou byjus to take our knowledge at the higher level.?
Arsalan Arshad Siddiqui
January 16, 2021
I also like to ride a bicycle. My favorite brand is Firefox. But knowing about bicycles is more interesting than riding it. Thanks Byjus for the conveying the information of history of bicycles , really loved it.?????
Harish Kumar
January 16, 2021
Ausmn… history of ? bicycle… THANK U BYJU’S
Nandish M
January 16, 2021
I love my cycle i love cycling so much
Angelyn cindrella
January 16, 2021
Thank you for this wonderful story understood everything
Alyssa Kelsy
January 16, 2021
I love History! A big thanks to team Byju’s for introducing us to the history of bicycle. I always love to learn something new everyday!
January 16, 2021
I was not knowing so much about cycles but today I learnt
so much from byjus
Thank you
Om Singh
January 17, 2021
I love cycle because it is beneficial for our physical work and thanku byjus for giving me these important and interesting points.???
Rishitha sai
January 17, 2021
I I love to ride a cycle but I don’t know the evolution of cycle it is very great and interesting thank you byjus this for this information ???
Abdur Rahman
January 17, 2021
wow thanks for the information byju’s ???
Varsha Pradeep
January 17, 2021
I like cycle and I always go for a ride evening but I don’t know about cycle even a few word and thank you byjus for this valuable information ?
January 17, 2021
I like to ride cycle very much ??????
Thank you byjus????????
Rapti Bhowmik.
January 17, 2021
wow amazing!??
Yasmin Bano
January 17, 2021
Wow….!! Its really very nice… I also love riding on cycles… It’s very interesting to know more about the cycles….. Thanks a lot BYJU’S.. To give us the most interesting information..!
Rohith Krishna.G
January 18, 2021
It looks like these evolution of cycle are amazing thank you for the information byjus team
Ujjawal yaav
January 18, 2021
I have learned to ride cycling a few days ago. I am very excited to see this kind of bicycle.
Absham Feroz Pathan
January 18, 2021
I love evolution and cycling is my hobby
Anushka Wakchaware
January 18, 2021
I love bycicle to ride
January 18, 2021
Nice… Thank you
Shagun Kumari
January 18, 2021
Thank you Tanaya mam for sharing valuable information about the most commonly used and my favourite means of transport bicycle!?
Truly loved it ??
Waiting for more exciting and fun filled stories!?
January 18, 2021
I love it
Animita Raut
January 18, 2021
I love to ride bicycles,,,,,but I don’t know that there were cycles like penny farthings!!!??? I was like WOW!!!!
Ayushman sa
January 18, 2021
Thankyou for giving history knowledge of cycle
Sanshita jerush
January 18, 2021
Nice if you just send the PDF in the PDF you can send the link that is easy to me
Thank you for this
information ?????
Srusti A Patil
January 19, 2021
Pranav Singhi
January 19, 2021
The facts were amazing!!!
I did not know any of them. I wonder after reading this blog about bicycles.
Thank YOU! Byjus
Gokul Akash
January 19, 2021
Was really interesting and informative
Achyut Bhosale
January 19, 2021
I really never knew that Leonardo da Vinci had his hands even on Mechanics.
Looks serious man????
Thanks Byju’s for information
RUDRA Pratap gehlot
January 19, 2021
I like riding bicycle it was so fun but I didn’t know about different versions of bicycle , THANK U BYJUS FOR THE INFORMATION ABOUT HISTORY OF BICYCLE ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
January 19, 2021
I love riding cycles and love MTB so much it s super. Thank you byju’s for this grate information.
Simna Reem.m
January 20, 2021
I love to ride my bicycle.but I don’t no about this information.i will thank the byjus team’by kindly hearted because giving this knowledge.thank you
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Nice to know about cycles
Sukkhnand Singh
January 20, 2021
That’s was a wonderable experience for me.
January 20, 2021
I’m very happy in now…. because I love and I like cycles and cycling…l have a cycle…but I don’t know these type of informations…so a lot of thanks to ?? dear byjus…?…thank you…??
Raguram R
January 20, 2021
Thanks for information
Sakshi Deo
January 21, 2021
It was really fun to know about evsolution of cycle I have never thought that it was discovered 600yrs
Vinayak Pradeep
January 21, 2021
I love riding bicycle, but never knew it’s History .
Thank you Byjus for the imformation.
January 21, 2021
OMG what a great information about cycle. I was not knowing.?????
January 21, 2021
Wow!!! Good information ?
Anjali chauhan
January 21, 2021
This evolution is so great. thank you Byjus For this information.
Bhitali saikia
January 22, 2021
I am very interesting to bicycle rider and it’s very amazing Thank you Byjus giving me this type of Information thank you so much I love you Byjus you are so good
Yash mokase
January 22, 2021
I like to riding a bicycle, and this is the great evolution
Shreyash nandani
January 23, 2021
I love to ride a bicycle but also don’t know about the history of bicycle.
Love to see the history of bicycle.
Most Loved Part Of BYJU’S.
Thank you byjus .To give us a huge knowledge about history.
Thanks again byjus
Team Storyweavers
January 23, 2021
You’re always welcome 🙂 Do come back for more such interesting pieces!
Prasad Shirsath
January 24, 2021
I love cycling and ride cycle everyday I know about cycles but not about evolution of cycles thank Byjus for giving this information???
Lena Mary Varghese
January 24, 2021
Thank you for the great information i really loved it
Farooqui Abdur Razique
January 25, 2021
Farooqui Abdur Razique
January 25, 2021
Thanks byjus for giving me this knowledge about cycle
January 25, 2021
Very nice ? ?
January 25, 2021
one more thing I like to ride a cycle ? ? and I know a lot more about cycle now thanks a lot BYJU’S ??
Poorvi shetty
January 25, 2021
I like cycle rideing , thanks for this information ,I have a cycles too but did not know about this thank u so much Byjus for this ??
Abhay Kumar Thakur
January 26, 2021
I loved cycling and cycle ride but I have a not cycle ?
Thank you for information
Karan dhumal
January 26, 2021
I love cycling my all frinds have cycles and thanks byjus because giving information of all cycles in history
Harsh mishra
January 26, 2021
Garvit mittal
January 27, 2021
I love the cycling and riding everyday.thankyou to byjus to give me information
#I love my bicycle
#I love the byjus app
kurmapu Karthik
January 27, 2021
I love cycle and I ride in the cycle every day it is very helpful to me.thank you byju.
Sarvesh kanade
January 29, 2021
Thanks for giving me information about cycle
Bhargavi maiya u n
January 29, 2021
Nice story
Thank u Byjus
Vedant Ekhande
January 29, 2021
Jayam karthik
January 31, 2021
I loved this journey of bicycles.
January 31, 2021
Thank u for this information
Byjus team
K Bhargav Mallikarjun
February 1, 2021
Very good information about cycle I like to ride it ??
Namrata Pal
February 2, 2021
This was really awesome???
February 4, 2021
thank you team byjus!
February 4, 2021
this info is amazing ?! Thank you for the information!
Manshi Patel
February 5, 2021
I didn’t know about evolution of cycle thank you so much byju’s
B.Madhura hasini
February 5, 2021
I love riding cycle everyday
Nisha varshini.E
February 6, 2021
I love to ride cycle but I don’t know to ride and I don’t know about cycle and thank you byjus for giving me a good information
Daniel Mathew Oliver
February 6, 2021
Himanish dey
February 7, 2021
Such a nice information can give us a better knowledge. The evolution of the bicycle and how it changed generation after generation .Its a very nice thing .I liked it very much ???
February 7, 2021
February 9, 2021
This app is very fantastic
Spandan Tripathi
February 9, 2021
Nice piece of information Byjus !
February 11, 2021
Nowdays everything we see is after an evolution . You likely know bikes are an ecofriendly alternative to gas-powered transportation, but you probably didn’t realize just how ecofriendly they really are. It’s widely accepted that cycling is a low-impact way to stay in shape and shed unwanted pounds, but what do these numbers really look like? According to the Outdoor Foundation, the average person will lose around 13 pounds in the first year of commuting by bike to work, without making any other changes to their diet or workout routine.
Nirmiti Chiddarwar
February 13, 2021
Very nice information
Thank you byjus:)
Shreya rai
February 14, 2021
I love cycling ride but i have don’t cycle.
Basuman Dey
February 15, 2021
Thank you
Maithreyi Devanathan
February 16, 2021
I love to ride cycle . But i do not know the evolution of cycle this is so informative ………. ThankYou To Byjus very much………???????
Ritu Gupta
February 17, 2021
I love bike riding ??
And thanks to BYJU’S I know the history of bicycle
Maheshwari sahoo
February 19, 2021
Very interesting
February 27, 2021
I love cycling but I didn’t know about it so thanks for byjus for this information
Vaidik Choudhary
February 28, 2021
thank you byju’s
Anjaneya Dash
March 1, 2021
Thanks for presentating the history of cycles
Karan khandelwal
March 2, 2021
I love cycling
Omm Prakash dakua
March 4, 2021
I like cycle rideing .but I dont no about this information.?i will thank the byjus team by heartley because giveing this knowledge.
Aditi Dhore
March 4, 2021
This story of cycle is very amazing.thaks byjus to this history of cycle.????
Saksham saraswat
March 4, 2021
I got my first’cycle when I was 8years old. This is awesome really this is awesome.
Divyanshi Rathore
March 11, 2021
I don’t know how to ride cycle ? but I am searching for cycle thanks byjus for helping me ??
Pallavi Rameshwar Bhople
March 11, 2021
All is well…
Ajinkya Badade
March 12, 2021
I like a bicycle riding and I love also
Rudra dnyanesh tajane
March 13, 2021
I’m interested in this history of bicycles
Pallavi Rameshwar Bhople
March 15, 2021
I use cycle everyday and ride…Bycycle is very important in our life because bycycle is not
creat pollution So I suggest everyone to use bycycle in daily ??So Thanks Byjus to searing to this for information ??
Pallavi Rameshwar Bhople
March 15, 2021
I like this cycleing ride everyday.??
cycle is very important in the life because not spried in the world ?? So Thanks Byjus for your information so thank you very much ??????
Aishik Das
March 17, 2021
These cycles are amazing!
Saanvi Damkondwar
April 8, 2021
This was really helpful and fascinating.
Thank you Byjus!!
Mishty shrimal
May 29, 2021
I am totally engaged with this it’s amazing !!!!??
June 20, 2021
I love riding cycle but I never knew that cycle was reformed these many times. I heartily thank Byjus for this information ??