Its 490 BCE. Greek soldiers clad in impressive battle armour are celebrating. They have good reason to – they just defeated a Persian invasion into their homeland. Their hearts swelling with pride, they decide the news of this victory must be relayed back to the authorities in Athens at the earliest.
The messenger chosen for the task? Pheidippides, a trained foot soldier in the Greek army. Boosted by his countrys victory, Pheideppides runs the entire distance from the battlefield to Athens (roughly 40 kms) to deliver the news. We won! cries out Pheidippides just as he collapses from exhaustion. The people of Athens cant believe their eyes. A man running such a long distance was practically unheard of, but there he was, the evidence of this marvellous physical feat.
So how did the Greeks commemorate Pheidippides’ achievement? They created a sport inspired by the site where the battle was won – the city of Marathon. While historians disagree on the exact course of events, but they do concur that it was Pheideppides fated visit that gave rise to the sport of marathon-running.
Modern-day statue of Pheidippides
A Turn in the Road
A sport that has participants across age groups, marathon running has a strong following even today. But, recently, there has been a growing divide among these otherwise peace-loving athletes. The reason lies a little south of Greece, in the city of Rome. The year is 1960 and its the 17th Summer Olympics. The first African in history has won the Olympic Gold medal in marathon running. Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian runner just ran 42 kilometres, and he did it without shoes.
Abebe Bikila winning the Olympic marathon barefoot
Run for your Life
Human beings seem to be really good at running. Evidence suggests that prehistoric mans hunting prowess came largely from their ability to run. Unlike other animals, man can run long distances because of their ability to sweat and cool the body while running.
Evidence shows that prehistoric man was able to hunt down animals before hunting tools were invented, which means they must have been fast runners
So the question then is: If our whole evolutionary advantage is based on running, then shouldnt we be running like our ancestors? In other words shouldnt we be running barefoot like Bikila?
Shoo the Shoe?
Research indicates that when you run barefoot, the brain receives important signals from the foot about speed and the force of impact. Thats why some scientists believe that by wearing shoes, we blunt the ability of the foot to send accurate signals. They claim that this is the reason most runners suffer from injuries.
On the contrary, another group of scientists believe that running barefoot can, in fact, cause you more harm. There have been many studies that show people who go from shoe-running to bare-foot running do in fact suffer from more injuries. Then how did our ancestors (and many tribes in modern-day) run for so long without shoes and with minimal injuries? The answer is simple – they were running differently.
The popularity of barefoot running seems to be on the rise. Here is a runner in Berlin, after running barefoot
Put your Best Foot Forward
When most shoe-wearing runners go out for a jog, they run with their heel striking the ground first. Scientists believe that this puts unnecessary pressure on their legs. Barefoot runners, on the other hand, strike the middle or front of their foot to the ground first. Scientists say this distributes pressure much more accurately.
Look at Bikila on the extreme left and the participant labelled 36. Do you think there is a difference in how their foot is striking the ground?
Scientists who promote barefoot running advise that if shoe runners switch to barefoot running, they must learn to change the way they run too. They claim that if one can start running by striking the middle or front of their foot first, then barefoot running is much more beneficial.
While this makes perfect logical sense, there is still no conclusive research to prove it and to shoe or not to shoe remains a divisive question for athletes. Can you perhaps help solve the mystery?
Put on your Scientists Coat
The mark of a good scientist is someone who can examine all evidence and come up with a logical explanation. In this case, you have read arguments from two sides – one supports wearing shoes while running, the other doesnt. Can you try forming a logical answer to which method of running you think is better? Leave your answer in a comment!
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Deepthi is an ambivert who is on a steady diet of good food, filter coffee, and self-improvement. Being an ardent reader, storytelling has been her first love and she enjoys exploring how to convey stories compellingly. Having studied psychology and experienced the learning and development field, Deepthi is driven to understand human behavior and to know what makes each of us unique. You are most likely to find her tucked into a cozy corner at a local cafe with a Kindle or a book in hand. If you find her there, stop by and say hello, she'd be eager to learn your story too. Until then, you can ping her at for anything you may like to share.
Astha Bhardwaj
August 14, 2020
This is really interesting
Aarya kudale
August 14, 2020
The first group of scientists said that running barefoot is good and the second group of scientists said that anyone wearing shoes if they try running by bearfoo then it can be a problem they can get injuries so they think that anyone should not run bearfoot and I think that if we put the front of our foot first then there will be no problem
Jagadeesh DM
August 14, 2020
Wow…i wore shoes before and would suffer from knee pains and lower back pains…No most of the time i run barefoot and i see great improvement in my landing and also better landing and brain coordination…no more pains whatsoever
Muhammad Hashim.M
August 15, 2020
Running barefooted is good , because when we run barefoot, the brain receives important signals from the foot about speed and the force of impact.
Muhammad Hashim.M
August 15, 2020
Why others is not commenting
Dhairya Chandak
August 15, 2020
Your are right . Thanks for the great information
Anonymous User
August 15, 2020
I think barefoot running is better because of Bikila.
Nirmala Shantanu Pande
August 15, 2020
Please send independence day contest
August 16, 2020
We can walk and run barefoot on grass and other safer paths but it might be quite painful to walk barefoot on road because of presence of foreign particles like glass and sharp stones.
Riddhivaran Daruka
August 16, 2020
The famous athlete MILKHA SINGH also liked ran bare foot